Refinishing Oak Cabinets


The kitchen had the white washed oak cabinets, a multicolored brownish counter top and tile floors with a rose hue in it. Original white washed oak kitchen cabinet before refinishing


The decision was made to choose the color for the whole house based on this room, so we went with 2 parts burnt umber tint and one part violet tint in order to capture the browns and rose look without leaning too “red.”

Taping the kitchen cabinets Taping the cabinets before refinishing project

We taped up the inside of all cabinets and taped all around the areas we were going to spray. In this case, the client had not moved in yet–but when my clients cabinets are full, we do the same thing. This is very convenient for the client, as they don’t have to unload everything when refinishing. So everything gets taped, plastic or painters paper covers ceiling, walls, floors, back splash, counters and appliances.

We sprayed ALL the doors and drawer fronts “first” to establish the correct color and correct shade. Then we bring them back to the home on the day we spray the base cabinets, to make sure the color and shade match. The after picture: We replaced all hinges, knobs and pulls in the kitchen. The new brushed nickel hardware matches with the appliances and the faucet nicely.

finished refinishing kitchen cabinet project